Results for 'Ariana N. Bell'

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    Social integration of refugee youth in Europe: Lessons learned about interethnic relations in U.S. schools.Jaana Juvonen & Ariana N. Bell - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Patterns of Education in the British Isles.R. Bell & N. Grant - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (3):281-282.
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    Esse, Vivere, Intellegere.D. N. Bell - 1985 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 52:5-43.
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    A model theory of modal reasoning.Victoria A. Bell & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 1998 - Cognitive Science 22 (1):25-51.
    This paper presents a new theory of modal reasoning, i.e. reasoning about what may or may not be the case, and what must or must not be the case. It postulates that individuals construct models of the premises in which they make explicit only what is true. A conclusion is possible if it holds in at least one model, whereas it is necessary if it holds in all the models. The theory makes three predictions, which are corroborated experimentally. First, conclusions (...)
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    It’s a Shame! Stigma Against Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Examining the Ethical Implications for Public Health Practices and Policies.Emily Bell, Gail Andrew, Nina Di Pietro, Albert E. Chudley, James N. Reynolds & Eric Racine - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):65-77.
    Stigma can influence the prevention and identification of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, a leading cause of developmental delay in North America. Understanding the effects of public health practices and policies on stigma is imperative. We reviewed social science and biomedical literatures to understand the nature of stigma in FASD and its relevance from an ethics standpoint in matters of health practices and policies. We propose a descriptive model of stigma in FASD and note current knowledge gaps; discuss the ethical implications (...)
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    The Image and Likeness: The Augustinian Spirituality of William of St Thierry.David N. Bell - 1984 - Cistercian Publications.
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  7. The vision of the World and of the archetypes in the Latin Spirituality of the Middle Ages.D. N. Bell - 1977 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 44.
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    (1 other version)The Commentary on the Lord's Prayer of Gilbert Foliot.D. N. Bell - 1989 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 56:80-101.
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    Lee From Rome to Byzantium ad 363 to 565. The Transformation of Ancient Rome. Pp. xxii + 337, ills, maps. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Paper, £29.99 . ISBN: 978-0-7486-2791-2. [REVIEW]Peter N. Bell - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):252-254.
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  10. Jacques-Guy Bougerol, La théologie de l'espérance aux XII e et XIIIe siècles. 2 vols. Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1985. Paper. 1: pp. 1–396; 2 color facsimile plates. 2: pp. 397–640. [REVIEW]David N. Bell - 1986 - Speculum 61 (3):620-622.
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    Reviews :Minnis, Alastair. Magister Amoris: The "Roman de la Rose" and Vernacullar Hermeneutics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 352. [REVIEW]N. D. Guynn & D. F. Bell - 2004 - Substance 33 (3):171-180.
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  12. Perspectives on socially shared cognition.A. N. Perret-Clermont, J. F. Perret, N. Bell, L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine & S. D. Teasley - 1991 - In Lauren Resnick, Levine B., M. John, Stephanie Teasley & D. (eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. American Psychological Association.
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    Alison I. Beach, Women as Scribes: Book Production and Monastic Reform in Twelfth Century Bavaria. (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology, 10.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Pp. xiv, 198; black-and-white figures and tables. $70. [REVIEW]David N. Bell - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):143-144.
  14.  25
    Boyd Taylor Coolman, Knowing God by Experience: The Spiritual Senses in the Theology of William of Auxerre. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2004. Pp. xiii, 255. $54.95. [REVIEW]David N. Bell - 2006 - Speculum 81 (2):496-497.
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    Practicing the Healer’s Art.Marc-Charles Ingerson, Kristen Bell DeTienne, Edwin E. Gantt & Richard N. Williams - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (1):1-22.
    This article explores the prevailing assumption of instrumentalism in negotiation and argues that contrary to the popular conception in negotiation scholarship, negotiators need not be assumed to be ontologically individualistic or purely self-interested in their motivation and action. We show the contribution that can be made to the field by an approach to negotiation that does not presume a strong and inevitable self-interest as the fundamental starting point of any account of negotiation behavior and we offer ideas for an alternative (...)
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  16. Coloring the environment: Hue, arousal, and boredom.Thomas C. Greene, Paul A. Bell & William N. Boyer - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (4):253-254.
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  17. Managing the health effects of climate.A. Costello, M. Abbas, A. Allen, S. Ball, S. Bell, R. Bellamy, S. Friel, N. Groce, A. Johnson, M. Kett, M. Lee, C. Levy, M. Maslin, D. McCoy, B. McGuire, H. Montgomery, D. Napier, C. Pagel, J. Patel, J. Oliveira, N. Redclift, H. Rees, D. Rogger, J. Scott, J. Stephenson, J. Twigg, J. Wolff & C. Patterson - unknown
  18. Bell's theorem and determinism.N. Shanks - 1993 - South African Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):23-30.
  19. Hidden Variables and the Two Theorems of John Bell.N. David Mermin - 1993 - Reviews of Modern Physics 65:803--815.
    Although skeptical of the prohibitive power of no-hidden-variables theorems, John Bell was himself responsible for the two most important ones. I describe some recent versions of the lesser known of the two (familiar to experts as the "Kochen-Specker theorem") which have transparently simple proofs. One of the new versions can be converted without additional analysis into a powerful form of the very much better known "Bell's Theorem," thereby clarifying the conceptual link between these two results of Bell.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, W. G. Tillmans, Nico Schreurs, J. -J. Suurmond, Th C. de Kruijf, Martin Parmentier, G. Rouwhorst, Th Bell, H. J. Adriaanse, Paul Vermeer, A. H. C. van Eijk, Peter de Haan, R. G. W. Huysmans, P. G. van Hooijdonk, A. van de Pavert, A. J. Leijen, N. Cornips, Luc Anckaert, F. De Meyer & J. Y. H. A. Jacobs - 1994 - Bijdragen 55 (1):72-111.
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    Frank N. Meyer: Plant Hunter in Asia. Isabel Shipley Cunningham.C. Bell - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):618-619.
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    Conceptual Dynamite: An Argument for Thoughtful Language in Conceptual Engineering.Bell Luan - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (3):467-474.
    RésuméCompte tenu de la tendance croissante à politiser des sujets autrefois banals, nous les philosophes devrions nous garder de ce que les concepts que nous développons soient mal compris ou mal interprétés pour étayer des arguments que nous n'avions jamais envisagés. Pour soutenir cette assertion, je développe une étude de cas sur la notion de « rationalité biologique » d'Alex Kacelnik ; je montre en quoi je pense qu'elle est vulnérable aux abus et je suggère des façons de la repenser (...)
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    Metaphysics as an Aristotelian science.Ian Bell - 2004 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    The dissertation's primary task is to discern to what extent the investigations contained in Aristotle's Metaphysics conform to the model of science developed in the Posterior Analytics. It concludes that the Metaphysics substantially follows the model of the Analytics in studying the causes and attributes of a specific nature, although it makes significant departures especially in its conception of the principles of being and substance. ;Two introductory chapters discuss respectively Aristotle's conception of science in the Analytics and the problems one (...)
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  24. The Poetry of Alessandro De Francesco.Belle Cushing - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):286-310.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 286—310. This mad play of writing —Stéphane Mallarmé Somewhere in between mathematics and theory, light and dark, physicality and projection, oscillates the poetry of Alessandro De Francesco. The texts hold no periods or commas, not even a capital letter for reference. Each piece stands as an individual construction, and yet the poetry flows in and out of the frame. Images resurface from one poem to the next, haunting the reader with reincarnations of an object lost in the (...)
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  25. James, William 23, 38-41,181 Jaspers, K. 133 Jennings, HS 140 Josephson, BD 8,103.H. B. Barlow, E. W. Bastin, J. S. Bell, Franz Brentano, D. E. Broadbent, J. Bronowski, N. Chomsky, Kenneth Craik, I. Kant & A. Kenny - 1980 - In Brian David Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran (eds.), Consciousness and the physical world: edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978. New York: Pergamon Press.
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    On Selective Influences, Marginal Selectivity, and Bell/CHSH Inequalities.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Janne V. Kujala - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):121-128.
    The Bell/CHSH inequalities of quantum physics are identical with the inequalities derived in mathematical psychology for the problem of selective influences in cases involving two binary experimental factors and two binary random variables recorded in response to them. The following points are made regarding cognitive science applications: (1) compliance of data with these inequalities is informative only if the data satisfy the requirement known as marginal selectivity; (2) both violations of marginal selectivity and violations of the Bell/CHSH inequalities (...)
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  27. BELNAP, N. D. and STEEL, T. B. "The Logic of Questions and Answers". [REVIEW]Martin Bell - 1979 - Mind 88 (350):297.
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  28. ""BIBLIOGRAPHY (Suggested in part by the authors of" Beyond Relativism").T. W. Adorno, T. J. J. Altizer, Reza A. Aresteh, Michael Argyle, Magda B. Arnold, Peter R. Bell, R. N. Bellah, Ruth F. Benedict, Peter Berger & I. Berlin - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Claudius to the Alexandrines - Epistula Claudiana: Der neuentdeckte Brief des Kaisers Claudius vom Jahre 41 n. Chr. und das Urchristentum. Eine exegetisch-historische Untersuchung. By Stephan Lösch. Pp. 48. Rottenburg a. N.(Württemberg): Bader'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1930. M. 3.60. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):146-.
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  30. Chodorow, N. 120 Collins, A. 187 Cornum, R. 208 Coveney, L. 245.M. Daly, H. Arendt, I. Balbus, B. Barret-Klegel, F. Bartkowski, E. Bass, J. Baudrillard, V. Bell, S. Best & R. Bhaskar - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed.), Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 265.
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  31. Basic model theory.John Bell - manuscript
    A structure is a triple A = (A, {Ri: i ∈ I}, {ej: j ∈ J}), where A, the domain or universe of A, is a nonempty set, {Ri: i ∈ I} is an indexed family of relations on A and {ej: j ∈ J}) is an indexed set of elements —the designated elements of A. For each i ∈ I there is then a natural number λ(i) —the degree of Ri —such that Ri is a λ(i)-place relation on A, (...)
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    Declining Performativity.Vikki Bell - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (2):107-123.
    This article explores what might happen to the concept of performativity within arguments that are understood as ‘topological’. It argues that we might ‘decline’ performativity, which is to say, elaborate the concerns that are expressed in the concept, but inclining it more boldly towards the complexities of a world whose elements are always in process of constitution, of reiterative enfolding. Taking a cue from Isabelle Stengers’ recent work in which she posits the notion of ecologies of practice, on the one (...)
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  33.  14
    Une perspective confucéenne sur les droits de propriété.Daniel A. Bell & Yara Boehlen - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (1):67-93.
    Tout au long de l’histoire de la Chine, les confucéens se sont opposés au contrôle rigoureux du gouvernement légiste et ont mis en garde contre les effets négatifs de l’intervention de l’État dans l’économie. Cela ne s’est toutefois pas traduit par l’approbation d’un régime de droits de propriété privée sans entraves. Du point de vue confucéen, l’État a l’obligation de garantir les conditions du bien-être matériel de base de la population et celle-ci est prioritaire sur la promotion du marché libre, (...)
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    Gregory H. Moore. Zermelo’s Axiom of Choice: Its Origins, Development, and Influence. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2013. ISBN 978-0-48648841-7 . Pp. 448: Critical Studies/Book Reviews. [REVIEW]John L. Bell - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):131-134.
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    The Adler Papyri The Adler Papyri. The Greek texts edited by E. N. Adler J. G. Tait, and F. M. Heichelheim; the Demotic texts by the late F. Li. Griffith. Pp. viii+118; 16 collotype facsimiles. London: Milford, 1939. Paper, 42s. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):184-.
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    Polymodal Lattices and Polymodal Logic.John L. Bell - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):219-233.
    A polymodal lattice is a distributive lattice carrying an n-place operator preserving top elements and certain finite meets. After exploring some of the basic properties of such structures, we investigate their freely generated instances and apply the results to the corresponding logical systems — polymodal logics — which constitute natural generalizations of the usual systems of modal logic familiar from the literature. We conclude by formulating an extension of Kripke semantics to classical polymodal logic and proving soundness and completeness theorems.
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    Sparta - François Ollier: Le Mirage spartiate. II e Partie. Étude sur l'idéalisation de Sparte dans l'antiquité grecque du début de l'école cynique jusqu'à lafin de la cité. (Annales de l'Université de Lyon, Troisième Série, Lettres, Fascicule 13.) Pp. 220. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres’, 1943. Paper. [REVIEW]N. G. L. Hammond - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (01):26-27.
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    The Budé Nonnus B. Gerlaud (ed., tr.): Nonnos de Panopolis, Les Dionysiaques, Tome VI, Chants XIV-XVII: Texte établi et traduit. (Collection des Universités de France.) Pp. xviii+271 (texte double). Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1994. Cased. [REVIEW]N. Hopkinson - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (01):14-15.
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  39. At the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigu-nait, Ph. D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. [REVIEW]Dharma Bell, Dharan ı Pillar, Li Po’S. Buddhist Inscriptions By & Paul W. Kroll - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (3):431-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAt the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95.Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. Pp. xii + 275. Paper $24.95.Beyond Metaphysics Revisited: Krishnamurti and Western Philosophy. By J. Richard Wingerter. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2002. Pp. vii + (...)
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    Psychical Research. By Professor Hans Driesch, (London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd. 1933. Pp. xvi + 176. Price 5s.).G. N. M. Tyrrell - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (34):248-.
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    Yvonne Allais: Djemila. Pp. 78; 12 plates, I map. Paris: 'Les Belles Lettres', 1938. Paper, 20 fr.A. N. Sherwin-White - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (01):42-.
  42.  68
    Homer Nodded: Von Neumann’s Surprising Oversight.N. David Mermin & Rüdiger Schack - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (9):1007-1020.
    We review the famous no-hidden-variables theorem in von Neumann’s 1932 book on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. We describe the notorious gap in von Neumann’s argument, pointed out by Hermann and, more famously, by Bell. We disagree with recent papers claiming that Hermann and Bell failed to understand what von Neumann was actually doing.
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    Trojan Prosopography - Paul Wathelet: Les Troyens de l' Iliade.Mythe et Histoire. (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liège, 252.) Pp. 292. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1989. Paper. - Paul Wathelet: Dictionnaire des Troyens de l' Iliade. (Documenta et Instrumenta, 1.) 2 vols. Pp. iv + 1603. Université de Liège, Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, 1988. Paper. [REVIEW]N. Postlethwaite - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):7-9.
  44.  42
    Three Political Texts - (P.N.) Bell (trans.) Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian. Agapetus, Advice to the Emperor, Dialogue on Political Science, Paul the Silentiary, Description of Hagia Sophia. (Translated Texts for Historians 52.) Pp. x + 249, maps. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2009. Paper, £19.95. ISBN: 978-1-84631-209-0. [REVIEW]Hartmut Leppin - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):471-472.
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    Graeco-Roman Egypt - De Magistratibus Aegyptiis externas Lagidarum Regni Provincias administrantibus. Scripsit D. Cohen. 8vo. Pp. xii + 114. 's Gravenhage: L. Levisson, n.d. Hfl. 4.50 (M. 8, Frs. 9.50). - Quaestiones Epiphanianae metrologicae et criticae. Scripsit Oscarius Viedebantt. 8vo. Pp. x. + 140. 1 plate and tables. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1911. M. 6. - Ägyptisches Vereinswesen zur Zeit der Ptolemäer und Römer. DrVon Jur. Mariano San Nicolò. IerBand. 8vo. Pp. 225. München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. - Der Fiskus der Ptolemaeer: I. Seine Spezialbeamten und sein öffentlich rechtlicher Charakter. DrVon. Jur. Alfons Steiner. 8vo. Pp. 66. Leipzig, Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1913. Unbound, M. 2.40; bound, M. 3.60. - Ptolemäisches Prozessrecht: Studien zur ptolemäischen Gerichtsverfassung und zum Gerichtsverfahren. Heft I. DrVon. Jur. Gregor Semeka. 8vo. Pp. v + 311. Munchen: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (06):198-201.
  46.  68
    M.-M. Mactoux, E. Geny : Mélanges Pierre Lévêque, 7. Anthropologie et société. Pp. xxix+355. Paris: Les Belles Lettres/Université de Besançon, 1993. Paper. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-NɐɁez - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):192-193.
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    Norman Fiering. Jonathan Edward's Moral Thought and Its British Context. (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1981.). [REVIEW]Richard H. Bell - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (4):605-607.
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    Supermeasured: Violating Bell-Statistical Independence Without Violating Physical Statistical Independence.Jonte R. Hance, Sabine Hossenfelder & Tim N. Palmer - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-15.
    Bell’s theorem is often said to imply that quantum mechanics violates local causality, and that local causality cannot be restored with a hidden-variables theory. This however is only correct if the hidden-variables theory fulfils an assumption called Statistical Independence. Violations of Statistical Independence are commonly interpreted as correlations between the measurement settings and the hidden variables. Such correlations have been discarded as “fine-tuning” or a “conspiracy”. We here point out that the common interpretation is at best physically ambiguous and (...)
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  49. Joint distributions and local realism in the higher-spin Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment.N. D. Mermin & Gina M. Schwarz - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (2):101-135.
    A method is given to determine whether or not the distribution functions describing the two spin measurements in the spin-s Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment are compatible with the existence of distributions describing three spin measurements (not all of which can actually be performed). When applied to the spin-1/2 case the method gives the results of Wigner, or of Clauser, Holt, Horne, and Shimony, depending on whether or not the two-spin distributions are assumed to have the forms given by the quantum theory. Generalizations (...)
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    Equal Representation Does Not Mean Equal Opportunity: Women Academics Perceive a Thicker Glass Ceiling in Social and Behavioral Fields Than in the Natural Sciences and Economics.Ruth van Veelen & Belle Derks - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the study of women in academia, the focus is often particularly on women’s stark underrepresentation in the math-intensive fields of natural sciences, technology, and economics. In the non-math-intensive of fields life, social and behavioral sciences, gender issues are seemingly less at stake because, on average, women are well-represented. However, in the current study, we demonstrate that equal gender representation in LSB disciplines does not guarantee women’s equal opportunity to advance to full professorship—to the contrary. With a cross-sectional survey among (...)
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